wbTeamPro Feature Request & Bug Tracker
wbTeamPro and wbTimeLog are actively being developed and supported.

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8 Votes
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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0010268wbTeamPro[All Projects] Featurespublic2017-01-30 09:312021-04-29 11:06
Assigned Towebuddha 
StatusUnder ReviewResolutionopen 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Versionv3.0.13 
Target VersionApplied to Version 
Summary0010268: Tree structure for tasks
Currently not possible to control the history of each task
(maybe to select "simple task" or "Tree view" tasks per milestone or per project)
And to know exactly what happened with the task the idea is to add Tree structure and task manager and clients can add "comments" for the task (with edit / remove only with permissions) and this will be the update for the task
I add also some attachment for example.

Yours sincerely,
Star Network.
TagsNo tags attached.
Attached Filespng file icon Star Network - Feng Office 2013-07-23 17-39-55.png [^] (133,546 bytes) 2013-07-23 09:41

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-  Notes
StarNetwork (reporter)
2013-07-23 09:55

this also use for Admin / Client per task shared notes
guest (reporter)
2013-08-01 09:33

I really like the idea of having the files / topics displayed as tree nodes under the task. Also replacing the single "note" field with a growing chain of notes.
webuddha (administrator)
2014-03-11 14:59

Tasks can currently be linked to a discussion or file thread. In addition all changes to the task are stored in the activity log plugin.

Is this different from what you are imagining?
StarNetwork (reporter)
2014-03-11 15:24

yes, the tree should be much more central and not as Something on the side since it's the core of the tasks, discussion should remain as it is for discussions
It would really help to understand the sequence / History of each task since it's not something that developers / Project managers should write as discussion
also it's give the admin option that Project manager / developer can report about the mission without any option to edit / change it.

am imagining:
a. we need to add (for both admin and client side) Separate permission levels for "Add" and "Edit"
or, if it's too complicated, just give the full admin / super admin the edit option and add to the rest
b. Notes / Details Text area field on tasks will be the "add" Field that allow to add content to the task, all the existing data will be just above this field as read / view field as tree without option to edit
c. full admin / super admin will be able to edit / remove each part of the tree (whmcs tickets edit / delete method can be option for it)

Yours sincerely,
Star Network.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2013-07-23 09:41 StarNetwork New Issue
2013-07-23 09:41 StarNetwork
2013-07-23 09:41 StarNetwork File Added: Star Network - Feng Office 2013-07-23 17-39-55.png
2013-07-23 09:55 StarNetwork Note Added: 0010053
2013-07-24 10:48 emaillion
2013-07-25 05:48 2stroke
2013-08-01 09:32 guest
2013-08-01 09:33 guest Note Added: 0010055
2014-03-11 14:59 webuddha Note Added: 0010109
2014-03-11 14:59 webuddha Assigned To => webuddha
2014-03-11 14:59 webuddha Status New => Feedback
2014-03-11 15:24 StarNetwork Note Added: 0010113
2014-03-11 15:24 StarNetwork Status Feedback => Under Review
2014-08-30 12:18 v1ktor
2017-10-07 22:15 energylevels
2018-01-23 02:34 ourwebmedia
2021-04-29 11:06 zitu4life

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