wbTeamPro Feature Request & Bug Tracker
wbTeamPro and wbTimeLog are actively being developed and supported.

We are working to update our tracker, changelogs, and documentation to convey this appropriately.
Thank you for your patience as we manage this period of growth.

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3 Votes
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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0010895wbTeamPro[All Projects] Featurespublic2017-01-30 09:312018-01-23 02:36
Assigned To 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Versionv3.8.x 
Target VersionApplied to Version 
Summary0010895: improvement on Discussion Subjects and Notificaitons
DescriptionQuite often we would start discussions with clients, and it would be great if we could include our client or others in the discussion and have replies piped back into the discussion and a notification of the reply so we can keep all discussions within the topic and not force the client into the client area to reply.

Also, once a Subject has been created when you first start a discussion it does not make sense for any replies to also set a subject. Being a new user it almost feels like I am creating a new discussion when you ask me to set a subject when I am replying to an existing discussion. The subject should be set at the start of the discussion and if it is a new subject, then a new discussion should be started.
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-  Notes
snake (reporter)
2016-08-03 18:21

I agree, the discussions are very confusing

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-07-28 05:23 seandnz New Issue
2016-07-28 05:23 seandnz
2016-08-03 18:21 snake Note Added: 0010309
2016-08-03 18:21 snake
2018-01-23 02:36 ourwebmedia

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